“DEI is a piece of cake!!” said no one ever! Not to me, at least!
The truth is that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is complicated, emotional, and you are never DONE with it. It is not a major product release, a big successful sales conference, or a project you can proudly finish (even if it will make them tenfold better).
So let me repeat: complicated, emotional, never-ending?! Well, no wonder our mind goes “RUUUUNNNN”!
Why run? Because our minds love safety, comfort zones, and certainty (and chocolate, if you are me).
Adding the pressures of quarter-ends, product releases, macroeconomic challenges, and political landscapes, I don’t know about you, but I really think today’s leaders are doing their best. More education is always needed, of course! No doubt about it. I would be the first one to say that with a megaphone in my hand. However, let’s not forget that DEI is not easy and, like it or not (it took me a couple of years to get it), PATIENCE is the name of the game.
So dear leaders and HR professionals, approach DEI with a lot of grace and permission to fail. The “go slow to go fast” approach is the way to go, and a strong belief that it will serve your people and your customers.
If you do it to tick a box, people will feel it and so will you.
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